Whether you are being audited or simply need to provide additional documents to validate a deduction, our professional staff will assist you with any issues you have with tax authorities. We pride ourselves on handling such issues in an efficient manner.

Audit Defense Representation:

Being audited by the IRS or a state tax agency can be a difficult experience. It can be a long process that may interrupt a client’s personal life or business operations. Nicholas Agnone & Co., LLC has successfully handled hundreds of corporate and personal audits by vehemently defending the interests and financial assets of our clients. With over 20 years of experience dealing with the IRS and various state tax collection agencies we will work with the client to make sure that the audit process is as smooth and minimally invasive as possible. A specific and unique strategy is developed in order to best defend each case.

Some tax payers elect to handle an audit on their own in an effort to avoid the cost of fees. This is not recommended as having professional representation will not only enable the tax payer to minimize interference with their day to day life, but will also ensure a better outcome resulting in less financial burden overall.

If you received a notice from the IRS or state tax agency contact us today to discuss your case.

Sales Tax Audits:

A Sales tax audit is one of the most costly types of audits conducted by state taxing authorities. Sales tax is not owned by the businesses that collect it and state taxing authorities treat it as such. High interest rates and heavy penalties are imposed on alleged outstanding sales tax balances. This makes professional representation even more essential. Negotiation with auditors to reduce taxable sales totals, interest, and penalties is where our expertise lies.